Weld Inspection Olympus IPLEX Ultralite
Remote Visual Testing
At Scotia NDT we offer the latest in RVI equipment in the form of the Olympus IPLEX Range of videoscopes. Capable of producing high quality images and videos of difficult to reach places in a short space of time resulting in less downtime and costly shutdowns.
Our videoscopes are regularly used on assets such as boilers, steam and gas turbines, generators, heat exchangers and condensers, tanks and vessels including associated pipework, rotating equipment, and welds for flaws and corrosion.
Stereo Measurement
With stereo measurement method, which is also sometimes known as stereo probe measurement, we can accurately measure defects in real time which uses a prism or dual lens to split images, allowing the camera to capture left and right views with a precise angle of separation. The position of user-placed cursors is then analysed using a computer algorithm and triangulation geometry is applied to them to obtain accurate measurements. The accuracy of this method depends on the separation distance between the prism or dual lens and on the distance of the distal end of the borescope from the object being measured. The sharpness and contrast of the image in question are also very important for the accuracy of the measurement. Unlike other methods, the stereo method does not depend on being perpendicular between the object plane and the videoscope distal tip.
The primary advantage of RVI is that it allows for the examination of most plant systems and components without requiring confined space entry or disassembly. It can therefore be considerably less expensive than other methods. Likewise, it’s far safer than traditional methods of inspection that involve sending inspectors into unsafe conditions.