By George Smith on Wednesday, 23 March 2016
Category: News

Visual Testing

Visual inspection, with or without optical aids, is the original method of NDT. Many defects are surface-breaking and can be detected by careful direct visual inspection.

Optical aids include low-power magnifiers, microscopes, mirrors, telescopes and also specialised devices such as boroscopes, endoscopes and other fibre-optic devices for the inspection of restricted access areas. Much of the success of visual inspection depends on the surface condition, lighting conditions as well as the skill of the the inspector. Surface preparation such as cleaning and etching is often used and also surface replicas can be taken for both macro- and microscopic examination. In-situ metallography is also possible.

High-speed visual inspection with remotely operated drone cameras are being utilised more often providing detailed high resolution images of in service components on structures such as offshore installations, high rise buildings, bridges to name but a few. Visual Inspection still requires the operator to be highly skilled, to have knowledge of the manufacturing processes and associated defects with each process. More often in-services visual inspection plays a big part in todays economic climate. Conducting fit for purpose and risk based inspections.

If this is something your company could benefit from or would like to more contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will be more than happy to discuss your visual inspection requirements.
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